
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Glass Bead Wrap Up 10.31.13

This will be the last Halloween Glass Bead post of the year but our artisans will surely be posting fall lampwork today throughout the next month.

We thought it would be nice to show off a composite of some of our most popular Halloween beads of the last few months...many of which are on sale...

Featured beads / artisans from top to bottom / left to right:
Spooky Cemetery Tree / Fragiacomo Glass Art || Ghost Headpins / Hot Flash Designs ||
Halloween Glass Spacer Beads / All My Beads || Heart in the Right Place / Glaszwerg ||
Silver Cored European Charm Beads in Halloween Colors / LTD Artglass ||
Evil Eyes / Janel Dudley Beads || Black Scroll Tangerine Orange Rounds / Heather Behrendt Glass

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Art Glass Beads 10.30.13

Artisans, tomorrow is our Halloween Glass Beads Wrap up! Our feature is a gorgeous peyote rope necklace featuring a sculpted pink and gold lily from Sheila of Stone Designs by Sheila  

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

THINK PINK Glass Beads 10.29.13

Yes, we're showing off the girliest of color in our glass beads today... and taking one more opportunity to remind our readers to get those boobies squished! It could save your life!

Our featured pink lampwork set truly shows off all the shades of pink glass. This set was created by Cherie of Happy Skull:

Our artisans will be posting predominately pink beads only today!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Lampwork Glass Beads 10.28.13

Happy Monday Glass Bead aficionados! I sure hope you checked out our glass bead spacer show yesterday! Be sure to check in tomorrow for our Think Pink post!

Our feature is a lampwork set of 22 spacer beads called Prism Pairs from Kristan and Julio of Redside Designs:

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Glass Bead Spacers Space Out Sunday 10.27.13

Welcome to our Glass Spacer Bead extravagaza! Before we get started, just a quick reminder that 10/29 is Think Pink and our Halloween Bead wrap up will be 10/31. But today, all artisans will be posting pics that feature lampwork spacers today!

But before we get to our show, we're going to hang out with artist Aimee Milan of Polychrome Beads. Since this post is all about lampwork spacers, let's take a look at some of Aimee's:

What do you make? What or you known for?  I make so many different things– not being able to stick to one style may be my downfall!  I do focals and sets, buttons, and a bit of metalwork (Viking knit and silver cored beads/beadcaps).  I may be known mostly for the lotus beads I started making nearly ten years ago.  A variation on petal beads, they are probably my most popular pieces.

Do you ever space out at the torch? What do you think about / listen to / watch?  Here’s my embarrassing little secret:  I love to watch cheesy, low-budget Sci-Fi movies.  I can’t get my husband to watch them with me any more (he says he can feel his brain cells dying…), so I watch them while I torch.  Most of the time they don’t require a lot of concentration to follow the story, so I can keep my eyes on the flame and sort of half watch the T.V.  Sometimes something actually good comes on and I find myself sitting and watching and twirling a bead in the flame without working on it!  I rarely actually “space out” – but I’ve been doing gravity-swirl beads lately and I find them very soothing.  Watching the hot glass roll and flow around the mandrel is like a slow dance.  That is as close as I get to spacing out.

What was the Worst burn / cut you ever got??? How did it happen, where was it? Special treatment???  I haven’t gotten a really bad burn from glass, but I’ve managed to cut myself several times.  The worst was the time I slashed the side of my index finger.  Glass cuts take a long time to stop bleeding, and this was right across the joint.  I couldn’t use my hand properly for DAYS!

What was the hardest skill for you to learn how did you overcome? Any tips to share?   Hollow beads.  I’m still not very good at them.  But I think my biggest problem was that I kept trying to make the walls very thin.  Thicker walls are actually easier to do, as they don’t blow out suddenly.

What is YOUR favorite jewelry to wear?   I love a choker-length necklace with a set of beads – accented with some simple spacers!

What is your favorite thing you’ve made.  I am really proud of the stacked beads I’m doing right now.  Sort of gigantic big hole beads – very dramatic.

You can find Aimee's beads on her website PolychromeBeads. Her work is also available on Etsy, Zibbet and  CraftStar.

Aimee, thanks so much for hanging out with us on Space Out Sunday!

Onto our show:

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Glass Beads Lampwork 10.26.13

Artisans: Tomorrow is Space Out Sunday... get your spacer beads ready!

Glass bead fans! Welcome to the best lampwork show on the web!!!  Our feature today is  a glass bead focal from the Flaming Fools, Micheal and Brad. This is Obligato:

Friday, October 25, 2013

Glass Beads 10.25.13

Well yesterday sure was fun...seeing so many orphan beads. I do hope some of you lampwork lovers could give them good homes!

Today's feature is a trio of glass bead flowers from Debbie at All My Beads

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Orphan Glass Beads 10.24.13

Yes Lampwork fans, it's time we tackle the weighty issue once again of...orphan glass beads. What a shame that there are so many beads in the world looking for a good home! It's sad right from the beginning because their parent torch them into being with the intention of sending them out there to be a part of some other artist's fabulous creation. And sometimes, we artists end up with so many orphan beads, we group them together and sell them off in lots! It must be frightening for all those beads to just wait and wait to find a home!

But YOU can help! Won't you give a bead a home today????

Check out this wonderful set of glass bead orphans from our sponsor Julie of Autochthonous Evolved.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dichroic Glass Beads 10.23.13

Glass Bead lovers, are you mesmerized by sparkling dichroic glass??? If you find it as irresistible as I do, you are in for a treat today! Check out this dichroic  lampwork set by Nina Eagle called Sun Candies:

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lampork Focal Glass Beads 10.22.13

Glass Bead fans! Wasn't yesterday's Blue Glass Beads post gorgeous! Our featured focal today is from Jody at Elasia's Gifts. This is Mermaid's Treasure:

Monday, October 21, 2013

BLUE Glass Beads Monday 10.21.13

OH my! BLUE Glass Bead Monday just kind of popped up! Sorry about the lack of reminders to the artisans... but you guys seem to roll with it! But it's time again for our tribute to the most searched for color of lampwork.

Today's Blue Lampwork feature is a Peace on Earth Pedant Necklace from Laurie of Isinglass Design. Here's a close of the bead before being wired and ready to wear:

Now, let's see what blue treasures our artisans have in store today!


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Lampwork Jewley - 10.20.13

Welcome Lampwork Jewelry fans! Have we got some gorgeous glass beads to show you today!

Let's get our show started with a sparkling lampwork necklace from Jamie at Dzign by Jamie. This is called Electric Spark:

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Glass Beads 10.19.13

Welcome Lampwork Lovers! Apologies for the glitch in our widget that made yesterday's show get off to a very slow start... Hopefully we'll have a smooth weekend!

Today's glass bead set is from Aimee of Polychrome Beads. Check out Dressed to Kill:

Friday, October 18, 2013

Winter Holiday Glass Beads 10.18.13

Welcome Glass Bead Fans! We're attempting to give you a head start on your holiday jewelry making and / gift giving needs. Check in on these special posts to find Christmas Themed Glass Beads, Thanksgiving Lampwork, Beads for Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, Glass Bead Snowmen and Snowflakes and even some Jewelry for gift giving!  You will see a big variety in these posts from our talented artisans and we're certain you will find just the artisan glass beads you need!!! ;-)

Let's start the show off with a Blue Eyed Santa Glass Bead Focal by Holly's Folly.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Hot Glass Beads 10.17.13

Glass bead artisans: Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is our 2nd Winter Holiday Edition! If you don't make whimsical lampwork, PLEASE come participate using colors of the season! Fall earthtones, Green / Red / White / Gold for Christmas, snowy blues or brighter ones for Hanukkah, or the vivid colors of Kwanzaa! There are LOTS of ways to participate!!!

Our featured piece today is from Carol of  C Evans Designs and is a beautiful lampwork necklace.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lampwork Glass Beads 10.16.13

Welcome glass bead fans. Today we have an amazing sculptural piece to share from Ingrid of Brunties's Beads. Check out "Rain Rain Go Away" - a wire and glass sculpture:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Glass Beads Lampwork 10.15.13

Hello Lampwork fans! We have quite a beauty for our featured bead today! Heather Behrendt has what we glass workers call "mad stringer skills!" This means she can work with hair thin strips of glass and get them do bend to her will. Today's glass bead focal shows off that skill in spades!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Glass Bead Sets 10.13.13

Yesterday was our last spooky post until Halloween but you can look for more Winter Holiday posts on the way. We want you to find all the glass beads of your dreams!!!

This adorable veggie set of glass beads by Maureen of Pumpkin Hill Beads is so cute... that eggplant is such a luscious shade of purple! I'm endlessly amazed at the skill of the artisans that share with us! And the best part is... you don't have to eat these vegetables!! ;-)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Halloween Lampwork Fall Themed Glass Beads 10.12.13

Glass bead fans, we're so glad you've joined us for another post dedicated to frightfully wonderful Halloween Lampwork and Glass beads of Fall!

Today's featured focal is from Jo at Kitzbitz Art Beads and is a coin shaped Movie Focal in Orange, Black and White.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Pandora Glass Beads 10.11.13

Just a quick heads up to remind you that tomorrow will be our last Halloween Glass Beads / Fall Themed Lampwork Post until the Frightful Day! So do be sure to check in!!!

We're getting a jump on the day with this set of orange and black lined Glass Beads for a Pandora Bracelet. That's my idea of dressing up for Halloween! ;-)  This pair is by LTD Artglass:

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Glass Beads 10.9.13

It's hump day for some... but the glass beads flow here every day! We're so glad you stopped by and hope you will take a moment to visit our last few posts and vote for your faves!

Today's featured lampwork set is from Redside Designs. This is called Beauty Queen:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Think Pink Glass Beads 10.8.13

We had an impromptu "Think Pink" day back on October 1st... I love how these amazing glass artisans just run with an idea! But today, it's official... We're featuring only Think Pink glass beads that feature that most girly color. And we would be remiss if we didn't remind you - it's breast cancer awareness month and PLEASE get your boobies squished! It can save your life!

And we're off to a lovely pink start with a glass bead set from Anastasia Beads. This is called Fruit Punch:
Artisans - Your posts today should have some pink in themAnd our next Think Pink post will be 10/29.

Monday, October 7, 2013

SRA Lampwork 10.7.13

Another Monday and we're leaping toward those wonderful fall and winter holidays with leaps and bounds! Never fear Glass Beads Daily is here to bring you lots of lampwork treasures for jewelry designing and gift giving!

Today we are featuring our newest sponsor, Kandice Seeber of This is her Shadows and Light Cube Sampler #1:

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Handmade Lampwork 10.6.13

Lampwork Lovers, thanks for stopping by the best glass bead show on the planet!

Today, we are featuring something that would make a wonderful holiday gift! Check out the adjustable kumihimo bracelet with a glass bead focal by our sponsor Suzanne of of Fragiacomo Glass Art.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Spooky Saturday Halloween and Fall Glass Beads 10.5.13

Trick or Treat! Glass Beads are not to eat! But they are so versatile and can be worn for almost any occasion! As we saw with yesterday's Winter Holiday show and's all about Halloween.  There's still time to pull off a fantastic piece to wear for the Spooktacular night! could just buy some artisan glass bead jewelry like these adorable Ghost Glass Bead Earringsby our new sponsor Nohline:

Friday, October 4, 2013

Winter Holiday Glass Beads 10.4.13

Glass bead fans, October is here and that chill in the air means the winter holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and New Year's are fast approaching! It really IS time to think of your holiday shopping needs, especially if you plan to make any jewelry this year!

Our feature today is from Sheila of Stone Designs by Sheila. Check out her made to order peppermint glass beads:

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Glass Beads 10.3.13

Hello Glass Beads Fans! Thank you for stopping by!! Our featured bead today is from one of our new sponsors, Julie from AutEvDesigns. Check out her purple heart scrollwork focal:

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Melting Glass Beads 10.2.13

Welcome lampwork lovers! It's time to give a shout out to last month's header artists! Let's take one more look at the beautiful beads that have graced our cover in September!

Donna, Pat, Cindy, Mallory and Nina, THANK YOU all for sharing your art with us!

Their links are:

Prima Donna Beads || Pat O ||Cindy Lynne Glass || Rosebud101 || Nina Eagle ||

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lampwork Glass Beads 10.1.13

It's October, Glass Bead fans!!!  October is breast cancer awareness month and we're sending a shout out to all females out there... time to get the boobies squished!

We're going to have a few "think pink" reminder days throughout the month and we'll see just how many pink beads we can get our artisans to share on those special days later in the month!

Check out these pink glass bead lentil beauties by Amy of Lampwork by Amy