
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sculptural Lampwork 7.31.14

It's the last day of July and while the year seems to be flying by... we've still got scads of fabulous wonderful and amazing glass bead art to share!

Today's featured photos is a booty-ful... and will make you giggle. Maureen of Pumpkin Hill Beads says she likes big butts... As you can see in her sculptural glass beads of elephants. We like them too Maureen!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Facebook Glass Bead Auctions Update 7.29.14

Hello Glass Bead fans and artisans! The feature photo today is from your hostess, Holly's Folly Glass. These are my Facebook Auctions tomorrow, currently in preview / BIN only on my Fan Page.

Week's ago, there was some discussion about how a collage style photo generates way more views on this page... three times more than an average day. For those of you that missed the post in our LE group or on Facebook, tutorials have been posted to help anyone create a collage to help promote YOUR Facebook Sales! There is also a tut on, Facebook Sales Tracking:  how to stay organized with your listings and even a downloadable spreadsheet. If you click on the first link, you will see how I promote on Facebook. The text in that post changes through the next few days as I sell a piece or  move listings  from sales site to sales site. I hope everyone finds these helpful and it generates lots of sales for all of us! 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Glass Bead Sets - 7.28.14

Hello Lampwork fans! We have a earthy glass bead set for you today. Yes, it IS time to think about fall and winter designs!! These beauties were made by Mallory of Rosebud101.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

SPACER Glass Beads Space Out Sunday 7.27.14

Welcome Glass Bead Fans. Today is the day we celebrate the glass bead spacer. Today, our artisans will be posting pics that feature lampwork spacers today!

Today's featured artist is Kristin Louthan. Her studio name is Prairie Girl Glass. Before we get on with the interview, let's take a look at some of Kristin's spacers:

What do you make/what are you known for?
 I am very fond of using strong color and have a huge preference for dots! I love the texture they can add, and I do mix and match assortments in lots of colorways, which has turned into one of my signature styles. I'm really fond of line art and illustration, and I have been upping my stringer design work as well. I always have some encased beads, usually mix and match sets. It's a personal preference for me as I think that encased beads really showcase the unique qualities of glass and make a nice break from the strong, crayon colors that I otherwise use. 

My latest style is patchwork, or pop art, style beads. This lets me use lots of cool colors and experiment with designs. It may sound like I jump around a little, and you might think that if you look at my shop. But it all seems to go together to me, and my buyers tend to like variety as well. The best compliment for me is when people say, we can tell that's a “Kristin” bead. I'm never sure what they mean, but I hope that means I do the fun stuff!

Do you ever space out at the torch? What do you think about/listen to/watch?
 I work in an outdoor porch studio in sunny Arizona. We enjoy great weather here pretty much the whole year and I love working outside! It's very quiet also, and it helps me stay in the "zone". I don't even listen to music. I have cats, chickens and roosters come by occasionally. Sometimes the pup gets out and visits me as well. He hates being inside! It seems I'm always busy but I'm sure I do space out. I really don't know where time goes! I try not to worry about it or rush too much. I write out lists so my goals are organized and I don't have to worry too much about it when I am on the torch. Then, I just sort of go. Every day is like a new adventure.

What was the Worst burn / cut you ever got??? How did it happen, where was it? Special treatment???
 Well, I don't want to dwell....but good timing with that question :(  I'm currently working through the worst burn I have had since I started torching about 3 years ago. I had cleaned my torch and reset it lower than usual. I didn't catch it until I reached for some stringers on the worktable and put my hand right into the flame! The side of my hand has a nasty burn now. No special treatment was needed, thankfully. It's a good reminder that what we do can be fairly hazardous. I won't make that mistake again!

What was the hardest skill for you to learn and how did you over come? Any tips to share?
 Good stringer work was a very early goal for me. I knew it would take a lot of practice but I tried not to get too frustrated. I think this is a good tip for most of the things that we do, to challenge ourselves but accept that it will take time to really accumulate the skills. I found that taking control of the flame is really important to gaining good heat control skills. Sounds pretty simple but it takes time to have the confidence and the awareness. For me, it took about a year, and I feel working on this goal helped me grow tremendously in a lot of ways. Encasing, on the other hand, is something that can still be a total exercise in frustration. I have to put in a lot of work, depending on my glass batch, to have the clarity that I want for my beads. Some things you just have to take as they come...grrr.

What is YOUR favorite jewelry to wear?
 I love mix and match, with a little piece here or there that makes everything special. Or else, I'll go simple, with just a bead or two on a cord. I like an attitude, or strong style. I also like the ability to change things around when I feel like it. I think this strongly influences my work and it keeps me enjoying what I do :)

You can find more of Kristin's work here: 
Etsy  | UK Etsy  |  Fan Page  | 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sculptural Lampwork 7.24.14

Hello Lampwork fans! We have a quite a beauty to share today!This sculpted black swan glass bead is from Laney of Izzybeads.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Cold Worked Hot Glass Beads 7.22.14

How's that for a confusing title about Hot Glass Beads? But truth be told, there are several ways to make glass sing! And more than one of our artists uses cold work techniques!  This glass bead set from Kristin and Julio of Redside Designs was flame worked and then, after annealing, was cold worked into the amazing shapes on a lapidary machine! Neat, huh??

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lampwork Jewelry 7.22.14

Hi there glass bead fans! Today's feature is a handmade lampwork bead to fit on top of the ring findings by Sunset Boulevard, Ring Ding or Jet Age Studi. This beauty was created by Stephanie of Phishstuff

Monday, July 21, 2014

BLUE MONDAY Glass Beads 7.21.14

Howdy Glass lovers! It's Monday and there's no need have the blues... unless it's blue glass beads! Today's feature is a fantastic blue Glass Bead Charm for Pandora, Troll, Links of London style bracelets. This beauty was made by Darlene of LTD Art Glass.

Artisans, PLEASE share your BLUE beads today! 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Hot Glass Beads 7.20.14

Welcome Glass Bead fans! ARTISANS: While everyone is away at the big glass bead show, feel free to share TWO links!

Today's feature is a swirling yellow and red lampwork focal bead by The Flaming Fools, Michael and Brad.

REMEMBER: You may share TWO listings today!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Glass Beads 7.19.14

ARTISANS: While everyone is away at the big glass bead show, feel free to share TWO links! 
Our feature today is a beautiful lampwork bead set of flowers by Laney of Izzybeads.

REMEMBER: You may share TWO listings today!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Glass Bead Lampwork 7.18.14

ARTISANS: While everyone is away at the big glass bead show, feel free to share TWO links!

Today's feature is a fun lily pond lampwork focal from Peggy Sudz Lampwork:

REMEMBER: You may share TWO listings today!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Artisan Lampwork Jewelry 7.17.14

Welcome to the best Glass Bead Show on the web... things are bit slow around here while so many of our friends are down in Houston. Feel free to share TWO listings this week! 

Today's feature is a lovely artisan bracelet that features lampwork, jasper and river stone by Susan of Cserpent Designs.

REMEMBER: You may share TWO listings today!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lampwork 7.16.14

Welcome lampwork fans! Today's featured glass bead set is from Debbie of All My Beads. Don't you think they look like some fancy found stone??? Gorgeous!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014

Fun Lampwork 7.14.14

Monday Monday but no need to be blue... we're saving that for next week! Today we have a happy little glass bead accessory for you. Jamie of Glasstastic Treasures has turned her watermelon lmapworked bead into a cool keychain!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Glass Bead Sets 7.12.14

Hot Summer Saturday here at Glass Beads Daily...but we've got some cool glass beads to show off! Today's feature is a glass bead set of bumpies by Cherie at Happy Skull.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Organic Lampwork Beads 7.11.14

Hello lovers of lampwork beads! Today's feature is a lovely organic glass bead with lots of iridescence and silver glasses! It was created by Stone Designs by Sheila.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Glass Beads 7.10.14

Hello Glass Bead Artisans and Fans! Today's feature is a galaxy lampwork focal from Julie of Uglibeads.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Facebook Lampwork Sales 7.7.14

This is a lengthy post today and it's aimed more at our artisans than our buyers. This site was started because so many of us shy, artsy types find it easier to promote others than ourselves. As an artist myself, my own stuff didn't get many hits...until this site. And, I had very few sales... until Facebook! In the past year, we've seen quite a revolution in the way sellers reach buyers !

First, about Glass Beads Daily. I'm forever tracking hits and clicks here, trying to analyze what really works for all of us. And I recently had a stunning realization! The days I share a collage... Most often this is the 2nd of the month when we take a last look at our cover art, our hits are phenomenal! I checked back and the few times I composed a collage for a holiday post... same thing! I find this intriguing because the very thing I've found so successful in selling on Facebook is a collage!

If you look back at my shares the last few days, the collages were straight from my fan page. No uploading the photo manually!  In the coming week I will be creating a tutorial to help all of you make your own collage of your current Facebook offerings. This can be done in under 15 minutes!

This post would not be complete without mentioning sales venues on Facebook. There are many! I have a list with hotlinks on my personal bead blog. But as it messed up every other link in that post, and I do not want it to mess up our share links, I'm only listing names here. Search those names on Facebook, or pop over to my blog for linkables. They are in no particular order:

  • Lampwork Bead Auctions
  • Artisan Lampwork Beads for Sale
  • Lampwork Bead Market
  • Lampwork Beads and Jewelry Carosel Auctions
  • Gone to Pieces - Budget Lampwork
  • Lampwork Auctions
  • Glass Pendants and Wire Wraps for Sale
And Jewelry Sites Too!
  •  Lampwork Beads in Action
  • Artisan Deisgners Jewelry Buy Sell
In addition, there are many sites on Facebook that allow you to host your own trunk show for beads and or jewelry! Ask some of your friends... There are many venues and it's a lot to keep up with!

Each group has it's own dos and don'ts as well as number of active listings...usually ranging between 2 and 6! Pay attention to the rules! I personally made myself a spreadsheet just to keep up! 

And on a sad note: Some of you may have noticed that the grandaddy of them all is NOT listed here. I recommended this site some months ago and have now removed any mention of it from this blog. Those of you that followed me there, I apologize! There have been numerous incidents of people banned without warning for not following rules that seem to change on a dime and issues with the way sellers have been publicly mistreated.

As an admin for a large group, I know it is very difficult to run a large site with thousands of members. However, I cannot endorse the mistreatment of others or condone impeding freedom of speech in the name of sales. Facebook is a HUGE playground and, if you find yourself or your friends being mistreated, it's time to take your toys somewhere else. Your customers will follow YOU!

All of these venues may not be right for you, but I'll bet some of them will!  Give it a shot!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Artisan Glass Beads 7.6.14

Welcome Glass Bead fans! Today's feature is a colorful lampwork focal from Michael and Brad, a/k/a The Flaming Fools. Meet Tinsel Town:

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Lampwork 7.5.14

Welcome lampwork bead fans! We hope you are having a fantastic long weekend! Today's feature is rich set of etched lentil shaped glass beads  from Stone Designs by Sheila.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Glass Beads - Celebrate the Red White and Blue 7.4.14

It's Independence Day here in the USA where Glass Beads Daily is based. So we're asking that you post red white or blue glass beads. You can share all three colors or just one... what ever you have to promote! Our feature today has all three! These are glass beads for bracelets such as Pandora, Troll, Links of London, etc. These are available from Darlene of LTD Art Glass

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Whimsical Lampwork Beads 7.3.14

Summer is the perfect time of year to let your hair down and wear jewelry that is a bit more "interesting" than you wear the rest of the year. And whimsical sculpted lampwork beads give you just the design freedom you need to create unique and memorable jewelry!

Check out this glass bead set in a cow and udder theme from Aimee of Polychrome Lampwork. Aren't they udderly adorable??? (Sorry! I couldn't resist!)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Glass Beads Lampwork 7.2.14

Time to say farewell to last month's Glass Beads Daily cover artists! Daniela, Steph, Sheila, Sonja, Michael and Brad, thank you so much for sharing your talents with us!

Don't forget, artisans need to eat! These talented folks sell their work at the following links:
Dan-Ell's Glassworks|| Beads By Stephanie|| Sheila Davis||  Silver River Glass Glass ||
Flaming Fools Lampwork Art Glass

Tuesday, July 1, 2014