
Friday, May 31, 2013

SRA Lampwork May 31, 2013

May has come and gone and dreams of summer are in lampwork jewelry maker's head. Don't the colors in this Cantaloupe Frost glass bead set from Beads by Stephanie make you think of the beach??

What colors do YOU think of when looking for summer glass beads???

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Art Glass Beads May 30, 2013

The weather is heating up! What better beauty to show off today than this red glass beadby U.K. artist Jane Hamill. Check out Rudy:

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lampwork Glass Beads May 29, 2013

Welcome to Glass Bead Addicts Anonymous where you can indulge your passion for lampwork beads  in private (relatively)! We won't tell if you won't! ;-)

Today's featured focal is a stunner from Nina Eagle Glass. Take a moment to enjoy Desert Road:

One more note for our artisans: Please note our NEW Events page. You will find a list of upcoming special days...most notably Blue Mondays. Feel free to give your input on the other ideas I've listed there!

One to our show:

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Glass Beads May 28,2013

Back to work? Don't be blue...we've got glass beads for you! Today's featured Glass Bead Focal is a pink beauty featuring shards, dichroic and goldstone from Elizabeth Beads.

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Monday, May 27, 2013

Artisan Lampwork Beads May 27, 2013

Welcome to the best Glass Bead show on the web where we have new eye candy daily!

Today's featured set is Summer Rain by Anastasia Beads.  Isn't her stringer work just stunning?

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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lampwork Beads May 26, 2013

Welcome Glass Bead and Lampwork jewelry fans. Today's featured beads are in a lovely bracelet by Lyne of  Fire and Sand Creations. Check our Mermaid Wings:

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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Glass Beads May 25, 2013

Holiday weekend and the birds are singing! Even the glass bead ones ;-)

Check out this Metallic Sea Green glass bead set by Tina Beachy of Silver Reflection. These colors are so impressive!

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Friday, May 24, 2013

SRA Lampwork May 24, 2013

Welcome to the home of the best selt representing artist working in glass beads and lampwork jewelry! 

Did you catch yesterday's FABULOUS  show??? Please take a moment and scroll down and vote for your faves! Just hover over your favorites until the heart appears. Click the heart and you've voted... Everyone has 10 votes!! Voting opens after a post has been up for 24 hours.

We're excited to have a new sponsor! Welcome Rosebud 101's Mallory Hoffman! Check out the dragonfly glass bead she posted yesterday:

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Lampwork Glass Beads May 23, 2013

Welcome Glass Bead fanatics!

Today's featured bead is actually six! Girolamo is a stunning collection of beads and custom copper end caps all held together with a sterling core! Aren't our artist's just amazing???  Girolamo was created by Polychrome Beads.

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Art Glass Beads May 22, 2013

Hello lampwork lovers! Today's featured piece is actually a lampwork necklace. It's nice to see what people do with all these pretty glass beads we show off every day, eh?

This beautiful necklace was made by Michi of La Mar de Bonita

 On to the show:

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Glass Beads Lampwork May 21, 2013

Did you guys LOVE seeing all those BLUE GLASS BEADS yesterday! We had the most links EVER!!!

Let's take a moment enjoy one of the highlights from yesterday: This gorgeous bead is titled Watersplash and was created by Nina Eagle. Isn't it dreamy?

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Monday, May 20, 2013

BLUE MONDAY Glass Beads May 2013

Yes it's BLUE MONDAY again! Welcome to the most beautiful show of the best BLUE GLASS BEADS on the web. Blue is the most googled color of glass beads. And if that's what the fans want... well, our artisans have it!

Our featured blue lampwork today is a gorgeous fish by Laurie of Isinglass Design.

And now... the latest and greatest BLUE GLASS BEADS:

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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Glass Beads May 19, 2013

Hello Glass Bead Collectors and Lovers of Lampwork Jewelry! Welcome!

Just a few announcements for our find glass bead artisans:
  • TOMORROW is BLUE MONDAY get those blue beads ready! All posts tomorrow MUST be blue! 
  • PLEASE remember to promote your link. The tweet button on the new InLinkz tool is much smaller than before. For those of your that promote elsewhere, there are handy share buttons at the bottom of  every post. 
  • The new InLinkz tool is nearing the end of beta mode and you all have really helped get the tool thank you for your but reports this past week!

Today's featured bead is this Cottage Garden Daisy by Holly's Folly Glass
And our Sunday Show:

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

SRA Lampwork May 18, 2013

It's Saturday and time to get some shopping done! We hope you will remember to buy artisan glass beads for all your jewelry making needs!

Our featured bead today is this fascinating large Orange lentil from Lampwork Beads by Cherie a/k/a happyskull on etsy.

Artist Reminder: BLUE MONDAY (our most hits EVER and STILL our most popular post!) will be back 5/ get those blue beads ready!

And today's show:

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Friday, May 17, 2013

Artisan Lampwork Beads May 17, 2013

Is everyone getting their BLUE GLASS BEADS ready for Blue Monday (5/20)???

Today's featured artist is Na0s Glass who shared this elegant Silver Moss  focal yesterday:

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Art Glass Beads May 16, 2013

Glass beads ready for longing looks and buyers!

I want to remind our artists: BLUE MONDAY (our most hits EVER and STILL our most popular post!) will be back 5/ get those blue beads ready!

Our featured artist today is Anastasia Beads. This stunning focal  is Fernanda the Night Owl

Artists, Please note! Link tool  that we are using now is still in beta mode and a bit glitchy. They are working on it! If you get an error message, just close the window and refresh... your link has been added. AND PLEASE! Remember to tweet, pin, G+!!!!

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lampwork SRA May 15, 2013

Are you having a ruff week? We've got glass beads galore to cheer you! And speaking of ruff... check out this paw pendant by today's featured artist and new sponsor, Cindy Lynne Glass :

We are now using a beta version of the NEW inLinkz tool which give us larger photos but there were a few kinks yesterday, especially when cropping. If you encounter problems, please let Holly know via contact on the right.

And... BLUE MONDAY (our most hits EVER and STILL our most popular post!) will be back 5/ get those blue beads ready!

And today's show:

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

SRA Glass Beads May 14, 2013

Hello lovers of lampwork! Are you getting ready for our second color challenge?? Next Monday, May 20th, is BLUE MONDAY and all beads must be BLUE!

Today's featured artist is Doris Stump from GlasZwerg who blogged about combining her glass beads with her paper crafts yesterday. The ingenuity of my glassy friends never ceases to amaze me!

We have an upgraded tool starting today! Voting will be SO much easier from now on...but please do continue to vote on your faves from last week!

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Monday, May 13, 2013

Lampwork Glass Beads May 13, 2013

It's MONDAY! Wake up Bead heads!!! Time for some gorgeous glass beads!

Next Monday will be BLUE MONDAY! Be sure to visit to see lots of BLUE glass beads!

Today's featured artist is our most loyal sponsor Donna Conklin of Prima Donna Beads and The Mandrel. Her Aqua Dichroic set got lots of attention yesterday!
Please be sure to scroll down and vote for your favorites from earlier in the week!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Lampworked Beads May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day! Don't you think your mom would LOVE some Glass Bead Jewelry??? You've landed in the right spot! We can help!

With Mom and gifts in mind, today's featured glass bead is framed artwork! Check out this Fox in a Box (with Socks!) by UK artist Madeline Bunyan. Isn't he adorable?
And today's show:

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Glass Beads May 11, 2013

Hello lovers of lampwork! Today's featured glass bead is a gorgeous tree of life focal from Beads by Stephanie.

And our Saturday show:

Friday, May 10, 2013

Art Glass Beads May 10, 2013

Whooo Hooo TGIF! Welcome to the home of the greatest collection of Glass Beads and lampwork jewelry on the web!

Today's featured glass bead set was created by Debbie Altman of All My Beads

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Glass Beads Lampwork May 9, 2013

Whoa! Did you see yesterday's show! Most difficult to even pick a favorite glass bead! But you should scroll down and vote for yours!

Your clicks sure loved this stunning focal titled "Wine Country"  from Stone Designs by Sheila!

And today's show:

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Artisan Lampwork Beads May 8, 2013

Hump day is nothing around here... we've got gorgeous glass beads every day of the week made by some of the most awesome artisans around! Come on in and check it out!

Our featured focal bead today was created by Powers Art Studio and is available on eBay.

We are trying Random ordering for a few days to see if it gets some of our late in the day posters more hits! And please take a moment to scroll down and vote for your faves from earlier in the week!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Glass Beads May 7, 2013

Good day Glass Bead lovers! Today's featured set is called the 2,400 year old beads and they were created recently (made to order)  by Bob Hoffmeyer of the Hoffmeyer Collection

If you didn't catch yesterday's show... I urge you to scroll down and take a peek. Vote for your faves while you are there. It was amazing! ;-)

On to the show:

Monday, May 6, 2013

Lampwork Glass Beads May 6, 2013

Monday's are always busy... but we invite you in to slow down, take a break and visit with some of the best glass bead and lampwork jewelry designers!

Today's featured glass bead set are these lovely lavender beauties from artist Heather Behrendt:

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Glass Beads May 5, 2013

It's the weekend and the living is easy.... so kick back and enjoy all the luscious lampwork glass beads we have to show you!

Today's featured bead comes from Flaming Fools Michael and Brad. This focal called Bountiful is up for grabs on Ebay. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Artisan Lampwork May 4, 2013

Hello Glass Bead Fanatics! Today's featured artist is Jolene Wolfe of Kitzbitz Art Beads. Check out her gorgeous blue glass bead from yesterday entitled Larkspurs:

Friday, May 3, 2013

Artisan Lampwork Glass Beads May 3, 21013

Happy Friday lampwork lovers! Let's take just a moment to send a big THANK YOU to the artist's who allowed us to use their beads to launch this site! Let's take another look at those:

Cindy, Lauren, Lara and Donna, we can't thank you enough for supporting this venture! And here are their links:
Cindy Lynne Glass
Holly's Folly
Lara Lutrick
Prima Donna

And today's show:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Lampwork Beads May 2, 2013

New month, new header! I hope you will take a moment to enjoy the fantastic selection of glass beads YOUR hits and votes and views put up there! And please, take a moment to visit the sites of these wonderful hardworking artists! Their links are above.

And today's featured artists is Janel Dudley Beads. Janel specializes in eye beads but her amazing pastel landscape focal got lots of attention yesterday! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Glass Beads May 1, 2013

Welcome Glass Bead enthusiasts! Today's featured set was created by Bohemian Beads. Don't you just love all the primary colors in those petal beads?

And on to the lampwork show: